• Certification of a separate product or batch of products:
This procedure requires a complete package of shipping documents: supply contract, invoice, CMR, bill of lading.
This option is used in the case of the supply of products in the form of one-time batches or produced exclusively according to the specified technical parameters and equipment conditions, etc.
  • 1 year — serial production (annual term of product certification):
The certification scheme without limiting the volume of supply and without visiting the production.
The certificate of conformity is drawn up on the basis of the provided package of technical documentation and the results of laboratory tests of product samples.
The validity period is 1 year from the date of receipt.
The certificate is valid throughout this period of time, regardless of the volume of products sold or produced.
Production audit is not required.
  • Certification of the quality management system at the enterprise (organizational structure of quality control, requirements for the production process):
Certification of the quality management system at the enterprise is of great importance in the modern business world.
The implementation of the quality system at the enterprise allows organizing and maintaining quality control measures at a stable high level.
This procedure requires careful preparation of the company’s internal normative documentation and the implementation of measures for the practical implementation of the requirements of these standards.


  • technical regulations are a type of state regulatory documentation that has the status of a law of Ukraine or a normative legal act and is adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
  • technical regulations establish requirements for terminology, markings, packaging, marking and application of products
  • technical regulations are designed to solve the tasks of protection and preservation of life, health, property and environmental protection
    for products that fall under the requirements of the technical regulations of Ukraine, it is necessary to carry out conformity assessment measures
  • the requirements of the technical regulations are mandatory and are confirmed by the presence of the Declaration of Conformity
  • the algorithm for assessing compliance with technical regulations includes various methods and stages: production audit, laboratory testing of product samples, the procedure for recognizing the results of compliance assessment by third-party accredited certification bodies, etc.
  • the effect of the Declaration of Conformity to Technical Regulations can be extended to a single product or to a batch of products or to the entire production and technological process of the enterprise
  • the period of validity of the Declaration of conformity to technical regulations can be 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 years